Hog House Restaurant Okc, Ok |
At the owners Request the address of this location will be listed. |
Preliminary Investigation - 2/25/02
link to
read the
Preliminary Report from
The Hog House
Here are a few photos from the Preliminary Investigation. Our results are inconclusive at this time. If you would like more information on the Hog House please contact us. Most photos on this page have no anomalies on them.
Here is a "mist" that was captured by the Bar Area |

Photo #2 ther is no "mist" on this photo. |

There is a 1 foot differential between this photo and the one listed above. |
These pots & pans are frequently heard banging. |

There are no wind sources in this area. |
Some say there are two apparitions at the bar? |

See above right hand for details. |
This is the Hall where we got locked in. |

Note: There is no lock on the door. |
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"Microphone tap & EVP"
Photo Report -
One employee of the restaurant has reported that before opening the restaurant, she was adjusting her hair & make-up at the mirror, wile looking in the mirror, she seen a Hispanic male, she turned around and stated that "we are not open yet", as she turned around, there was no one there.
She seen the male in detail, and reported him sitting at the bar, waiting. This photo was taken at random, along with many others during our preliminary investigation. Not until recently these images came to our attention. The original photo has been posted for quiet sometime now, and listed without anomalies.
A team on Rochester, NY analyzed the photo. After further analysis, GHOULI has come to a conclusion that these are apparitions at the bar. Is this the same man seen by the bartender? It is the exact spot of her report. You decide. Opinions are always welcome!
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